Tag Archives: Kapdewala

Best Homegrown T-shirt brand in India

homegrown brand

Kapdewala is an Indian T-shirt brand that offers stylish and comfortable T-shirts for men. As a homegrown brand, Kapdewala has gained popularity among customers in India for its unique designs and quality products. Kapdewala is a 100% “Make In India” brand that have been created primarily for consumers in India. Kapdewala is famous as The[…]

Who is kapdewala?

As you all know WALA refers to a seller or vendor of something. Its indicating a person involved in some kind of activity. for example: Dabbawala- The person who sell milk. Chaiwala – A person who sell or serves tea. Rickshawala – A rickshaw driver Taxiwla – Taxi wala is a taxi driver. Vegetablewala –[…]